How to Prioritize Organizing and Where to Start

It’s funny that the things that would serve us and our well being most, we tend to ignore. It’s the reason ‘the chair,’ junk drawers and piles of miscellaneous items exist. If you’re at a place where you’re fed up with your own mess but unsure where to start, know that you’re right where you need to be. All it takes is the willingness to start. Once you have physical proof of how good it feels to be organized, it’ll be hard to stop. Below you’ll find a cheat sheet on where we recommend starting in key areas of your home. It’s not a hard and fast rule, just some simple inspiration to get you started.

how to prioritize organizing and where to start

The Kitchen

Where is a space that you use every single day in your kitchen? Whether it’s the pantry to put together lunches, the fridge to gather ingredients or your cabinet space to assemble your cookware, pinpoint where it is in your routine that you’re losing out on precious space or time due to disorganization. Once you’ve done that, figure out if it’s best to add a few organizing items like drawer organizers, shelf risers or Linus bins, or simply a need to purge a few unused pots and pans. Keep your routine in mind, and if things need to be moved around for the sake of a routine, do it.

The Living Room

A living room is meant for one common purpose: to live. You gather to enjoy family or simply to Netflix and chill and at the core of both of those should be enjoyment. This means clutter has no place here. We suggest taking a look at your side tables or television centers first, as they’re the spaces with higher traffic and in plain sight. As far as the side tables go, it’s always better to go with the less is more approach. If there are any piles of miscellaneous items, sort through them and put the items back where they belong. You entertainment system should be used for things like movies, DVD players and other like items. If DVDs are a part of the home, consider a disc organizer to save massively on space and recycle the containers.

The Bedroom

Step into your room. When it comes to your clothing, where do you spot clutter first? Whether it’s ‘the chair’ or a wandering eye towards the closet, follow that intuition. This clutter has likely been created due to a lack of systems and now is the perfect time to implement them. Clothes are something everyone has and it’s up to you to care for them and organize them in a way that helps you make the most of them. Start small and do a mini purge if you need to, but what you want to end up with is only things that bring you joy and that you’re actually going to use. Then, consider a small organizing hack like drawer organizers or a hanger refresh for an easy breath of fresh organization.

The Bathroom

Your counter space is a big deal here, because it’s likely one of the first things you see in the morning. If you spend your time here getting ready for the day, start your day off on the right foot by having a clean and organized space. Remove anything that isn’t used on a daily basis from this precious square footage. Add a personal touch like a candle or an acrylic tray that holds all of your products.


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