5 Things You’re Doing Wrong When Organizing

When it comes to organizing, doing it is always going to be the better option rather than not doing it. It’s like that saying that no one has ever regretted working out - the same goes for organizing. Once you’re done and everything is in its designated place, is there really a better feeling than relishing your hard work?! We’re biased, but we think not. All that being said, there are ways to improve your organizing, so we’ve rounded up 5 things you may be doing wrong that only take a quick thought to fix.

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5 Things You’re Doing Wrong When Organizing

Not deep cleaning your space…

When you’re going through a space for the first time in a while, there’s bound to be a few dust bunnies or cobwebs - It’s a fact of life. What doesn’t have to be a fact of life is living in that dust for the foreseeable future once you’ve already cleaned out a space. Take the time to grab a few paper towels, an all natural cleaning spray and wipe that shelf down! Not only will your house look clean, it will look, feel and smell clean as well.

Organizing sentimental things first…

These items happen to be the hardest to place inside your home because there’s never a one-size-fits-all solution for them. Additionally, you may find that when you’re looking through old family photos, you find yourself sitting beside your bed two hours later still looking through them. Everything in your house deserves a home, including the things you deem important to hold on to such as art projects from when your little one was in third grade, that backstreet boys concert ticket (we get it..) and that sand you bottled up from vacation 5 years ago. Our suggestion to you is to save this memorabilia for last, when you’re on the homestretch and really inspired to clean house. We recommend ARTKIVE to preserve your kid’s art. Use code LIFEINJENERAL for a discount!

Not having a plan…

This goes along with the above. Not having a plan of attack can make any distraction a serious derailment from your day. It’s often times why people think organizing takes so long, because so many things happen to get in the way when you finally decide to take the plunge. Make a game plan and stick to it. When your kid comes home early from school, you’ll be happy that you have a step by step process to pick right back up where you left off when you go back to organizing.

Needing everything to be perfect…

When you’re organizing, things are going to get messy. Even when you’re cleaning everything up, things may not fit where you intended them to. We’re here to tell you: that’s okay! Sometimes organizing reveals an even better routine or storage place that you previously couldn’t have imagined because of clutter. Another example is when we get asked how we know the correct number of organizers to order. While we have a better idea than most because of how often we organize spaces, it’s about trial and error. Order a few extra organizers and return them when you’ve found what works best for your home. You definitely don’t need to add that to your list of things to stress about which takes us to our final no no. One of the easiest places to start is with food items; we love the OXO 10-piece Pop set to sort and contain everyday food items.

Letting stress get the best of you…

When you look at the mountain of things you have to sift through, it can be overwhelming - we will not discount that feeling at all. BUT it’s when you use that feeling against yourself as a reason to not start at all. Not today! The sooner you tackle something, the sooner you can ball up that stress and throw it in the trash along with that tattered pair of pajama pants you haven’t worn in 2 years. We’d love for you to switch the script and use it as motivation - anything we can do, you can do just as well!!


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