5 Ways to Prepare for Spring Cleaning

1. Make realistic goals

The idea of spring cleaning can intimidate some because of the great refresh that it represents. Out with the old and in with the new sounds great, but it also sounds unrealistic. What’s most important to keep in mind as you prepare to spring clean your home is that you need to go at your own pace. If that means breaking it down and going room by room over time, that’s perfectly fine. The season of spring is 3 months long, and if it takes you until summer (or longer), so be it! The last thing you want to do for yourself is set unrealistic expectations, because if you don’t meet them, it can overshadow the amazing progress you have made. Any sort of set timeline shouldn’t exist when the goal is bettering yourself and your space.

2. Get the whole house involved

Don’t go it alone! If you’re wanting to refresh your space, get the people who share your home involved. If you have kids, make it a game or introduce an incentive into the mix. If you live with friends or a significant other, find common ground and see if they’d want to make an afternoon of it. For some, the idea of doing a deep clean might not be the most exciting, but what’s important to surface is that there is such power in numbers. Two or more people working towards a common goal will always get the job done faster!

3. Write down the little nooks & crannies you might forget about as you clean

When you get started, you can get super focused on big picture, or even get caught up in one thing and forget about the details. In order to avoid missing the small things you want to clean, write them down by space. Create a list of those items as they come to you before you get started and clear your brain of having to remember it all as you go!

4. Stock up on cleaning supplies

 Of course, before you get going, you’ll need to make sure you have the proper cleaning supplies! Are your rags from last year tattered and grimey? Do you have all the Magic Erasers you’ll need? Getting these products is great because they can be used for everyday cleaning, so just stocking up is completing a house chore in and of itself. I always tend to go for non-toxic and environmentally friendly choices when it comes to cleaning. Back to Basics’ Cleaner than Clean is the absolute best clean all-purpose spray that I’ve used! If you don’t want to spend much money on new products, use items you already have around the home: old t-shirts and mismatched socks for rags, DIY cleaners with baking soda, vinegar, rubbing alcohol, etc. Here are common cleaning items to add to your list:

5. Download our free checklist for tips and guidance in every space

Of course, I want to help you in any way that I can!! Spring cleaning can be a daunting task without any help, so I’ve put together the ultimate checklist for every kind of space. To get this freebie, sign up for our newsletters here! We’ll be sending it out via newsletter and don’t want you to miss out :)

Don’t miss our how-to guide spring cleaning sale! The Ultimate Organizing Bundle is on sale through March! It’s literally every. single. how-to guide. we’ve ever made—valued at over $350. Get the bundle and set yourself up for success for the rest of the year!


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Aim For Progress, Not Perfection