7 Ways to Practice Self Care During The Holidays

Self care typically refers to any practice that you have to keep yourself healthy in your day-to-day life. Acts of self care can range from things that help your physical self, mental health, or spiritual well-being. While self care seems simple enough in theory, it’s often the first thing that we let go of when life gets chaotic. Ensuring that self care is a part of your everyday routine, especially in the midst of the busy holiday season, is incredibly important.

For many, this time of year is dedicated to caring for others and making sure the people around you are feeling their best, but checking in with yourself to make sure you’re filling your own cup is crucial. Caring for yourself allows for you to show up as your best self, in turn creating the best possible experience for those around you. To inspire you to practice self care this holiday season, we’ve compiled a list of things you can do to avoid burnout, reduce stress, increase happiness, energy, and show up feeling great!

1 Remember that less is more.

At the end of the day, aren’t the holidays about connection? Gifts, lavish parties, and overly-filling menus are wonderful and can act as ways to bring us together, but if you’re feeling like there’s too much pressure to perform well and impress others, ground yourself in the idea that love should be enough. Do what makes you feel good and don’t feel pressured to go ‘all-out’. Set attainable goals for yourself to meet your own expectations to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

2 Don’t stay set in your ways.

Especially during the holiday season, we have a tendency to put pressure on ourselves to live up to things that happened in the past. Recreating Grandma’s one-of-a-kind stuffing to taste exactly how she made it in the ‘70s sounds great in theory, but in practice, may prove to be a challenge. Instead, try creating your own holiday traditions! Like trying a new recipe out, having a Friendsgiving, or making Thanksgiving a potluck. Traditions are beautiful, but they shouldn’t box you in. If any of them bring about pressure, consider altering or ditching them entirely this year.

3 Make room for grief.

Holidays are nostalgic for us all. Reminiscing on Thanksgiving's past can bring back warm memories, but for some, they may serve as a reminder of someone who is no longer in your life. Try not to combat these feelings. It’s okay to miss those who are no longer with you. Tune into the emotions you are experiencing, and remember you’re allowed to feel. Feelings, no matter how strong or how confusing, are valid! Learning to sit with them and process them as they come can help you heal over time.

4 Step away from the season.

If you start to feel overwhelmed by expectations surrounding your holiday schedule, feel free to step away. At this time of year, it can feel impossible to go anywhere without being reminded that it’s the holidays. And it can be a lot. If you need to, give yourself permission to step away from holiday-related events, and let it be a normal day. This time of year is a marathon, not a sprint, after all!

5 Pamper yourself.

While self care is more than baths and face masks, these things can never hurt if they make you feel good! Get your hair or nails done, watch that cheesy Christmas movie on Netflix, get a massage, and make the store bought holiday cookies! If it brings you joy, you should never feel shame.

6 Carve out time for you daily.

Dedicate time, even if only 30 minutes, to be present with yourself each day. Do something that nourishes you, personally, at this time. Whether it’s listening to a podcast, doing something artistic, reading, stretching, or simply resting, having alone time allows you to reflect and recharge.

7 move your body.

It’s been proven that daily physical exercise, whether a short walk, a long hike, or a workout class, can truly change the trajectory of your day and uplift your mood. Exercise helps to release serotonin and dopamine, which work to decrease stress and anxiety, and boost those happy hormones we love.

While it can be tempting to push aside self care practices as life gets increasingly busy this time of year, it is so beneficial to carve out time in your day to simply care for yourself, and whatever your needs may be in the present moment. Now, go give yourself some love!


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