How To Be the Best Host This Summer

Step 1: Ask for help. Our number one tip for being a successful host is to ask others for help in the process. Trying to tackle everything on your own can leave you drained and burnt out. Asking for help when you need it can help you take care of you, and make sure that the event and planning is still fun! Remember that you’re not alone and there is zero shame in asking for a hand with things. It will protect your joy and create an even better experience for everyone involved!

Step 2: Give yourself 25% more time than you think you need. Our next best tip… start early. There is no harm in doing a bit of prep here and there, so that when the big day approaches, you have little, if anything, left to do! Doing a tiny bit each day leading up to the event can minimize stress and pressure for yourself. With this, start earlier than you think you need to! You’ll be doing your future self a favor, and you’ll be so thankful for the extra time you had to get everything in order.

Step 3: When in doubt: nice smells and good lighting! Don’t underestimate the power of a good atmosphere. Consider your favorite restaurant, for example. I’m sure it doesn't have intense bright, fluorescent lighting. Or take your favorite hotel… I bet whenever you smell something like it you miss it! Scents and lighting can go a long way in hosting and creating an enjoyable atmosphere for your guests. Consider, if your event is outdoors, adding string lights, lanterns, or candles. If it’s indoors, reed diffusers, candles, or yummy smelling food will do the trick. Dim, warm lighting creates an inviting and comfortable area for guests to gather!

Step 4: Fill the void. There is nothing quite as awkward as a silent social gathering. When there is no background noise, there is more pressure to keep a conversation going and relaxing can be a bit more difficult for guests. Having music playing can help your guests to feel more comfortable and at ease. Music really does make people come together! Investing in a few speakers and putting together a fun playlist can truly elevate your gathering experience.

Step 5: Do you! Finally, and possibly most importantly, be yourself! Make your hosting experience unique to you. When you plan an event the way you want it, you will have the most fun and feel the most natural. Whether this means a formal meal around a dining table or friends sitting around a bonfire and having snacks, plan an event the way you want it. Trust us, this part is crucial! Remember that you can make a gathering exactly what you want, and your guests will love it just the same! Be yourself, and have fun!


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