Jen's August Roundup

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Summer is coming to a close with August ending, and I’m not going to sugarcoat it: this has been a heavy month. I've felt so deeply disheartened by what’s going on in our world—the events in Afghanistan, the hurricanes in the US, the earthquake in Haiti and beyond. It can feel like a challenge to focus on anything besides these tragic occurrences, but I’m trying my best to remain positive in my everyday life and celebrate the good things still happening.

This month at LIJ, the team worked harder than ever (I say that all the time, because who am I kidding, they always give 110%!) I am truly so grateful for this team of mine. They put everything into this work and they care so much about the people they’re doing it for.

Aside from organizing, this was a great month for reflection, planning, and connection. With that, here are some of the things that brought me joy this month! My intention with this month’s roundup is to inspire, empower, and share positivity with you all! Enjoy some of my favorites and the highlights below xx

August’s Jeneral Highlights

  • Back to school is coming soon, and we wanted to help set college students for the ultimate dorm experience. In this blog post, we got into all the ways you can maximize your storage space in the dorms...products, hacks, checklists, and more! Get those here!

  • I had the exciting opportunity to work with Wells Fargo to introduce their new Active Cash Card, which takes the guesswork out of choosing multiple credit cards. As an organizational expert, it’s so important for me to be conscious of the clutter in my wallet. With the Active Cash Card, cardholders can earn 2% cash rewards on purchases. We did two wallet edit workshops with Marsha from The Finance Bar where we walked viewers through the steps to organize and simplify their wallet organization.

  • I hosted another webinar with our amazing LIJ partners! What started as a referral program has quickly turned into an amazing support system for organizers across the globe. See if we have partners that organize in your area here! Get on the waitlist to become a partner here.

  • I kicked off coaching calls in Office Hours with Jen—giving aspiring and experienced organizers the chance to join intimate small group virtual meetings where they can pick my brain about all things organizing and running a business. You don’t have to be enrolled in our course on LIJ Academy to join Office Hours—sign up here

  • We welcomed 3 amazing interns onto our Internal team for the first time! Our team continues to grow and this was a huge and exciting step towards internal growth. We are so happy to have them onboard!

My Favorite Things This Month




Favorite Things To Watch/Listen To/Read This Month

Project Highlights

Another full month of projects, move-ins & exciting happenings! Here are some project highlights…

We also came up with so many tips and tricks in our reels in August! See ‘em here for all the inspo! xx


6 Ways to Master Outdoor Entertaining


How to Organize As A Side Hustle