Jen's February Roundup

2 months into 2022, and I have a good feeling about this year! It’s going to be a great one. February allowed me to make time for myself daily to get in touch with my intentions, hopes, and goals for the future. I started journaling every morning for 5 minutes and it’s helped to ground and recenter my thoughts and feelings daily. Cannot recommend this practice enough—it’s been so helpful for me to stay organized and on track. February’s roundup is filled with favorites, highlights, and projects that I hope will inspire you to live your life by design, and create space for the things you want to have time for. Find my current favorites and the February highlights below! xx Jen

February’s Jeneral Highlights

  • Part two of LIJ Book Club launched, and we dove into the process to organize each space in the home, breaking it down week by week. If you missed it, no worries! You can sign up for LIJ Book Club here and go through the book & get organized it all at your own pace!

  • We held a super fun vision boarding day with our internal team. I’m huge on vision boards, and truly believe they’re a wonderful way to get your goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for the future on paper. You can be as creative as you want with them, and you can keep it to personal goals or professional goals. The only rule is that there are no real rules!

  • I hosted another happy hour with our amazing LIJ partners! What started as a referral program has quickly turned into an amazing support system for organizers across the globe. See if we have partners that organize in your area here!

  • The Rams won the Superbowl and us Angelenos had the best time celebrating their win in their home stadium!

My Favorite Things This Month




Favorite Things To Watch/Listen To/Read This Month

Project Highlights

Another full month of projects, move-ins & exciting happenings! Here are some project highlights…


5 Ways to Maintain Home Organization


Garage Organization 101