Jen's July Roundup


July was a month of relaxing, recharging, and reflecting. I finally settled into my new house with the fam, we went on a great vacation, we launched our first course on LIJ Academy, some of our team members spent the week in New York for an organizing job, and I focused on re-centering myself in my goals and working on improving my daily habits. Overall, there was so much to be grateful for this month, and I love being able to reflect on it here. My intention with this month’s roundup is to inspire, empower, and share positivity with you all! Enjoy some of the highlights below xx

July’s Jeneral Highlights

  • This is a pretty big one. Our first course on LIJ Academy was launched on July 13! It’s a prerecorded course designed to take on your own time and was created for anyone in the professional organizing space. We also launched Office Hours, which is an amazing opportunity for organizers to take an even deeper dive into a mentorship with me. I’ve put all my learnings starting LIJ into this course and I’m so excited to coach and mentor organizers on their journey! Learn more about the course here. Sign up for Office Hours here.

  • My family went on the most incredible (and much needed) vacation to Hawaii! We lounged, golfed, and had the best week out of office and in the sun.

  • Speaking of Hawaii, one of the best parts was catching up on my reading. And oh my goodness. I finally read Atomic Habits by James Clear and it completely shifted my mindset towards goals and habits. I even wrote a little something about creating good habits that can apply to organization or anything in life. Read that here!

  • We often get asked about small space organization. Small spaces can feel impossible to create systems in, but really, you just have to get a little creative. Our LIJ Partners weighed in with their top tips on our blog here!

  • Back to school is coming soon, and we wanted to help set college students for the ultimate dorm experience. In this blog post, we got into all the ways you can maximize your storage space in the dorms...products, hacks, checklists, and more! Get those here!

  • My thoughts on clearing your physical space to free your mental space were featured on Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper! I loved writing this piece on how important the connection between environment and attitude are and how living in a space that’s free of clutter can take so much weight off your shoulders. Read it here!

  • I had the exciting opportunity to work with Wells Fargo to introduce their new Active Cash Card, which takes the guesswork out of choosing multiple credit cards. As an organizational expert, it’s so important for me to be conscious of the clutter in my wallet. With the Active Cash Card, cardholders can earn 2% cash rewards on purchases. We did a wallet edit workshop with Marsha from @thefinancebar where we walked viewers through the steps to organize and simplify their wallet organization. We’re doing another live workshop on @lifeinjeneral on Instagram Thursday 8/5 at 12pm PST. Be sure to tune in, the first one was amazing!

My Favorite Things This Month

Favorite Things To Watch/Listen To/Read This Month

Project Highlights

Another full month of projects, move-ins & exciting happenings! Here are some project highlights…

How cute is this little girl’s closet?!

This pantry was so dreamy.

We also came up with so many tips and tricks in our reels in July! See ‘em here for all the inspo! xx


Classroom Organization 101


5 Ways to Create Good Habits