3 Ways To Get Organized Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Most of us want to have a streamlined and organized home. Yet the reason many people have a hard time getting organized is because it’s a large undertaking. We create hefty, larger-than-life goals based on our wildest hopes and dreams. While dreaming big is never a bad thing, setting unrealistic goals is. When you don’t meet those goals, you don’t feel motivated to get back up and try again. And thus, getting organized gets put on the back burner. Again.

So, why do we procrastinate? While everyone has their own rationale for putting things off, there are two main reasons why most of us procrastinate: fear of discomfort and fear of failure. We’re afraid of the unpleasantness of a challenging task, so we avoid it altogether; and we’d rather do nothing than try and fail.

Here’s the good news: you can stop procrastinating, prevent overwhelm, and finally get organized—you just have to know where to start. The very first step in organizing your home is changing your mindset. Realizing that unrealistic goals will only hurt you in the end, and that little wins can create big momentum is the key to prevent being overwhelmed.

1 Start Small

The easiest way to combat overwhelm as you begin the organizing process in your home is by simply starting small. Begin with one small thing that will give you momentum and motivate you to continue toward your overall goal. Typically, that “small thing” is literally a small space in your home—think cabinet or drawer—with a limited amount of inventory and fewer complex decisions to be made. Dedicate yourself to that little area, breaking it into even smaller pieces. Once you’re finished, you’ll be ready and able to move toward that next task, powered by a little bit more confidence and a burst of good energy.

2 Set Realistic Deadlines

It’s common to feel overwhelmed when you spread yourself too thin or create unrealistic goals/timelines. Instead, be real with yourself as you define what the process will look like for you. To avoid task pile-up, set realistic deadlines for yourself. Break down your process into steps, and give yourself loose time frames to complete each one. Take it one thing at a time, and allow yourself to fully be present for each step.

3 Create Celebratory Incentives

There’s no shame in creating incentives when it comes to organizing your space—remember what brings you happiness and makes you feel full, and plan to reward yourself with those things when a deadline is met. Cook your favorite meal, treat yourself to your favorite latte, watch a few episodes of that show you want so badly to binge, or plan an evening with your loved ones. This way, you’ll be able to hold yourself accountable, and you can look forward to something fun when you’re done. After all, you’ve worked hard!

As you begin this journey, please remember that you should never be aiming for perfection. In this day and age, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea of having a Pinterest-perfect home, and get down on yourself for not achieving an unrealistic standard. Having matching bins perfectly straight and in order, a color-coded closet, and perfectly file folded underwear is not real life. What is attainable, however, is aiming to create good habits and efficient systems that help you progress in your everyday life. And what matters most is how those systems of organization around your home set a beautiful foundation so you can make more time for the thing that matters most: connection.

For more guidance as you begin your organizational journey in 2022, make sure you grab your copy of Life in Jeneral if you haven’t yet and sign up for the LIJ Book Club for help every step of the way, no matter your pace. Of course, follow along with the book club on our Instagram, too! There will be lots of great information, support, giveaways, and more. Let’s do this!


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