Picking the Right Organizing Products for Your Closet

One of the most commonly asked questions I receive is "what products should I buy to actually keep my things organized?" Because of this I’m so excited to roll out this series of blog posts dedicated to deep diving into why we pick the containers that we do for each space. Products are incredibly helpful for keeping organization in place because ultimately, they are the thing that keep your inventory from just being thrown on a shelf after a long day. Not to mention, they look great and can even add stylistic flair too! This third post in the series is about all things closet product! Click here to read the general rules to go by for deciding what products to use, and here to read about picking for your kitchen & pantry!

Finding the best containers for lasting systems requires trial & error. It requires thinking long and hard about the intention behind what would best serve you, and how you can build an organization system around that. We’ve worked in thousands of closets, so we have a deep understanding of why certain products work best in each scenario. In other words, we got you! 

First thing’s first—start by asking yourself these questions about your closet:

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When it comes to hangers, we commonly opt for velvet slimline hangers. These hangers are an AMAZING space saver! Their thin and grippable design truly takes up less space in the closet than plastic tubular hangers or wooden hangers. If you’re tight on closet space, or you have a lot of items to hang, this is 100% the way to go. If you do happen to have the space, another option that looks classic in any space is white wooden hangers. These are not as slim but give off a clean, polished look.

In drawers, we love using expandable dividers. These create structure where there is none and ultimately are what make it possible for clients to maintain their folding structure. Labeling is also key in here! In a big drawer, it’s easy to shove clothes into the drawer without structure in place. With dividers, it creates a designated spot for everything, making sticking to categories a cinch.

To create a sort of makeshift drawer and give open shelving more of a structure, we always use opaque, structured bins with bin clips. This keeps smaller closet categories like swimwear, hats, accessories, memorabilia, and miscellaneous belongings neatly contained and concealed on a shelf. For less frequented binned items, consider using a lidded bin for an extra clean look.

For bigger, bulkier clothing items and accessories that may not fit into bins, like jeans, sweaters, and purses, shelves are still an ideal spot for storing. However, instead of force-fitting them into bins, we like using shelf dividers and clutch dividers. These create a subtle structure, similarly to how drawer dividers create separation in drawers. While you can go without these, they make maintenance super simple, because they create solidified zones for placing.

Lastly, something we really advocate for in a closet is purse and boot shapers. Whether your bags and shoes are on display or not, it’s important to maintain their structure to maximize how long they last so you can get the most out of them! The best way to do this is by adding in structure so they can stand tall, like they would when you wear them or use them. This is a step that many think is unnecessary, but my team swears by it. Even if you just opt to use tissue paper to stuff them, it’s a must!

Remember that no matter what your closet or your inventory looks like, creating lasting systems is possible with the right products. Think hard about the potential each nook and cranny has, and what flow will best suit your lifestyle day after day. If you have any more questions about the best products for your closet, DM me!


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