Picking the Right Organizing Products for Your Kitchen & Pantry

As I mentioned in my previous post in this series, the most common question I get asked is why and how to pick specific products for each space in the home.  Read the deep dive into picking products based on material, shape, and function here!  While the rules and questions listed out in that post apply to most spaces, there’s a method to our madness in each space we organize, that guides us to choose the products we do!

Using the absolute best containers for lasting systems requires a lot of trial & error, especially in the kitchen & pantry. It requires thinking long and hard about the intention behind what would best serve you, and how you can build an organization system around that. We’ve seen every type of kitchen & pantry space under the sun, and we’ve created unique systems for thousands of different purposes, so we have a deep understanding of why certain products work best in each scenario. In other words, we got you!

Don’t forget that as you begin, you should start by asking yourself these questions:

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In the kitchen, we tend to lean towards wood (most commonly, bamboo), glass, and plastic. We often choose bamboo or acacia drawer organizers in kitchen drawers. Giving small kitchen gadgets each their own designated home is the best way to keep a large drawer clutter-free. We specifically choose to build drawers out with bamboo and acacia because the wood is durable, great for a natural vibe, and easy to wipe down. Not to mention, they’re better for the environment, which is important to me! We love using modular organizers because you can mix and match sizes for your specific inventory.

We often find in clients’ homes that families tend to have more than one set of dinnerware (or at least 6+ pieces per set.) So in cabinets we use shelf risers to maximize the vertical space and make sure there is enough room to store the dishes. Implementing shelf risers can actually double the shelf space and safely store an excess amount of dishes. When we use these, our #1 pick is the acrylic riser because it is the easiest to clean and since it’s clear, it doesn’t clash with the aesthetic of most kitchens. Sometimes, we’ll also opt for the metal cabinet risers because they’re less expensive, more durable, and better for the environment.  One challenge with them, is that they often don’t match the aesthetic of specific kitchens.

For under the kitchen sink, some sort of plastic is always the pick. We don’t use any type of metal, canvas, or woven products here because they’re harder to clean and won’t last as long in a place where wet sponges and cleaning supplies congregate.  Our go-to plastic products in here are divided turntables, for contained & easy access to smaller cleaning supplies. We also love to use deep linus bins under the sink, because they really utilize the space well and make it easy to reach anything you need, no matter how deep your cabinets are.


Over the years, we’ve found that plastic tends to be the best in the fridge or freezer. Even though we try to be kind to the environment in every job, plastic is the most durable in colder temperatures and therefore sees the most longevity in a fridge. If you’re looking to steer clear of plastic, my recommendation would be glass jars. They serve the same purpose and are durable, they just aren’t always clear. Whether you choose plastic or glass, containers with structure are a must for fridge/freezer organization. Lastly, we almost always choose products with lids to maintain freshness and provide the opportunity to stack items if needed. In the fridge, vertical space is your best friend!


In the pantry, containers we use are almost always dependent on what the client wants out of their system. If they’re looking to be able to see their items clearly we go with clear bins with handles. This way, they can always see when they’re running low and restock and replenish efficiently. If they’re eco-conscious, we favor woven or metal baskets. We don’t usually choose canvas or any other type of fabric bin for the pantry because they tend to be less sturdy and can lose their shape over time. We also never use lidded bins or baskets in here, since it’s a grab-and-go area of the household and we’ve found that lids end up making it harder to maintain the organization over time. Regardless of what kind of bin, we are firm believers in labeling bins in the pantry. This way, even if you can’t see what’s inside a bin, you always know where something belongs after use!

Decanting is a favorite when we organize pantries. We don’t always decant everything in every pantry, but we typically decant these types of items: baking items, rice & grains, pasta, and some snacks. Typically, we opt for glass jars because they're durable, clear, and more sustainable, but plastic canisters are the best option for some households. If the family has young kids or a busy lifestyle, plastic is usually the way to go because in the long run, it will be more maintainable for them! Regardless of which route you take, airtight canisters are a must because the airtight seal actually ensures freshness for longer than the box would. Getting clear jars & canisters is important as well so you can always see when you need to restock and replenish goods!

At the end of the day, what’s most important is that you choose products that are going to work for your kitchen & pantry needs. It’s important to really think about the intention and purpose the products will serve in your system when you roadmap your kitchen & pantry out. If you have any more questions about the best products for your kitchen/pantry, DM me! You got this.


Aim For Progress, Not Perfection


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