Client Spotlight: Lauren Bushnell

Our founder Jen and Lauren are friends, so when Lauren was looking for help combining two homes into one, Jen jumped at the chance to help her! Lauren and Chris Lane (her sweet partner, now fiancé) were moving in together in Nashville and the combination of the two homes was a lot for two people who travel and work 24/7. Instead, they went about their travels and left us to our devices to help them arrive to their fresh, new paradise. Read on for how we handled the move-out, move and move-in processes!

lauren bushnell closet life in jeneral

A Bigger Closet Benefits Everyone

With both Lauren and Chris being in the spotlight, they get sent a lot of products and clothes. Add in a love of fashion for the two of them and you’re left with the need for the right kind of space to accommodate. Luckily, the new home also brought a bigger closet. We focused on giving her access to everything she owned by adding in a shoe wall, organizing her clothes by like items and then by color, and showing off all of her (to die for) accessories. This way she’s able to wear more of her clothes, get rid of that which no longer serves her and enjoy getting ready each day.

Color Coordination and Systems To Keep It All In Check

When two become one, it’s easy to have a little bit of friction combining different routines and systems. By starting in a fresh new home, they were able to begin their life with fresh new systems. We organized their entire home in a way that fit two people who travel often but love to cook when they’re home and spend quality time together while also staying organized. A welcome challenge was organizing Chris’ vast selection of patterned shirts by color. #LIJTip: When organizing patterned shirts, focus on the color that pops MOST.

Til Trucks Do Us Part

A cross-country move from Venice, CA to Nashville, TN is no small feat. A lot goes into the logistics and we love nothing more than to oversee the entire process from start to finish. We helped pack up Lauren’s home in Venice, CA, load the truck and were there to welcome it to Nashville. A trick when moving is to prepare all of your boxes to be unpacked straight into their new homes BEFORE the move. This keeps you from having to organize twice. The other benefit of handling their move-in was we were able to intercept Chris’ truckload as well, unpacking them both at the same time to create the systems that would fit them both.

The first time the two of them walked into their new home, they had a floor to ceiling organized home to begin their new season of life together. Soon thereafter, Chris asked Lauren to marry him in the CUTEST way possible - he wrote a song about it and listened to it for the first time with her and her family. It’s worth a watch here. We have so much love for these two and were so happy to help start them off on the right note. (Get it?) We can’t wait to help Lauren and Chris organize their new home in December!


Client Spotlight: Shay Mitchell


Fall Cleaning Checklist