Learning to Love Laundry Day

Whether you’re an avid laundry fan or it’s your least favorite thing in the world, we can all agree that a little organization in this area of your home can benefit everyone involved. Employ a few (or all) of the below tips and find yourself feeling a little more excited to do this household chore. 

Make the most of your space

Laundry rooms are notorious for being cramped and hard to manage, not to mention sometimes not even having the space for a full room. Whether you have a walk-in or simply a space for your washer and dryer, figure out where you can tweak the area to add more value. Is there vertical space that you can use to add a few shelves? Can you use an over-the-door storage system? Even adding another hamper to be able to sort your laundry into whites and darks can make a huge difference in your process.

Create a one stop shop

Does it ever feel like doing your laundry can take months to complete? If you find yourself finishing laundry in fragments (wash & dry one day, folding another etc.), create a space where it can get done all in one place. Once you’re done washing and drying, have a designated folding space. If delicates or certain clothes need to be hung, add a drying rack or a bar with hangers to hang them in. Giving yourself the options you need to finish your laundry all at once means this chore is done in the blink of an eye and with ease. 

Organize based off your process

Do you soak stained clothing before washing? Do you add dryer sheets when drying your clothes? Do you iron your clothes before hanging them in the closet? Everyone has their own process to doing their laundry, and your set up should reflect how you do yours. Organize your cleaning supplies in the order that you use them. (Bonus points if you separate them with containment and label!) When you start your laundry, make each step of your process a habit. This way, you don’t have time to ask questions or think about what’s next, you automatically follow the steps to getting it done. 

Learn new tricks

Laundry is an art form. Master a few new tricks and transform this chore into a meditative experience (hey, you’re allowed to dream). Have a stain chart on hand to reference when trying to get that red wine out of your white shirt. Learn the best way to fold towels and t-shirts so you can put them away straight from the laundry room (our folding highlight is a great place to start!). Put dry cleaning into a hamper bag that can be easily transferred from the room to your car. These shortcuts can be huge time savers and help you to create a more joyful experience. After all, who doesn’t like being good at something? 

Make it more YOU

While the laundry room is a dedicated space to doing chores, that doesn’t mean it has to be devoid of character or joy. Paint the walls your favorite color, add in a portable speaker to listen to music or an audiobook while you fold, or sort hampers by family member names. Make this room somewhere you enjoy being and watch that feeling seep over into the entire laundry process. 

What makes your laundry process easier and more fun? Let us know in the comments below!


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