How to Label Your Pantry so it’s Instagram Goals

How to label your Pantry so it’s Instagram Goals

When seeing your pantry, we want you to feel great. We want the door or cabinet to open and for you to hear angels sing. We post a lot of drool-worthy pantries and we want you to have access to the same thing in your own home, so we’re sharing how we label pantries to get them looking their best. Read on and consider setting aside some time this week to give your pantry a facelift! 

Before creating your pantry zones, think about the below questions:

  • Will appliances need a home in your pantry?

  • Do you want to decant items or simply put into a larger (labeled) bin? If you’re not familiar with the organizing term ‘decant,’ it simply means taking something out of its original packaging and into a different container. For example, taking pasta out of the box and putting it in an airtight glass jar.

  • Do you need a kid section where they can (or can’t) grab their own items?

  • What are the general categories that make sense for YOU?

  • What needs to be front and center and what do you not need as often?

  • Is there anything else that you need to create space for?

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Great! Now that you have a better idea of what you need (or don’t need) space for in your pantry, you can go ahead and take everything out of your pantry. 

Discard items that are expired and donate what won’t get consumed, that aren’t useful to you etc. and then categorize what’s left over. Pick from the below categories what makes sense for your inventory and your systems:

  • Snacks

  • Canned Goods

  • Baking

  • Grains + Pasta

  • Breakfast

  • Lunch 

  • Dinner

  • Spices + mixings

  • Kid Snacks

  • Condiments

  • Sweets

  • Backstock

  • Cookbooks

  • Drinks, paper goods, etc.

When you go to put everything in its rightful place, keep all categories together. Consider how often you go to reach for something in each space and organize accordingly. If you’re not reaching for canned goods often, it doesn’t have to be right in the center and your back stock can be placed at the bottom of your shelving. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is something that you consume daily, so it would make sense for these to be in arms reach. 


If you organize your pantry by the above categories, add containment where necessary, and label accordingly, you’re on the fast track to an Instagram worthy pantry. In fact, send us a picture once you’re finished so we can congratulate you on your success. 

Are we missing anything, like a category you came upon that isn’t on the list? Let us know in the comments below! Happy organizing! 


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