How to Organize Your Home
Home organization is a great solution for creating a stress-free environment. It allows you to connect with the things you love most. I’m excited to walk you through the process below to start your home organization organizing your home in a way that you and your family can easily keep-up with!
Getting Prepared
It’s so important to take a step back, evaluate, and set goals for your home organization. Ask yourself questions like; what space in your house is the most important. What space do you need/want to start first? What is my product budget? Once you have a clear understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish for your home, start mapping out an execution plan. Try to not overwhelm yourself by doing too many spaces all at once. We recommend starting small, whether that be your bathroom drawers or even that junk “joy” drawer in the kitchen that often becomes the catch-all space. Give yourself enough time to accomplish spaces and ideally a full weekend (with help of a family member if possible!) for a large space, like the garage.
Once you’re mentally prepared, it’s time to get into action!
Sorting Your Inventory
This step can feel a little overwhelming at first but trust me, it gets better. The first step is to categorize your inventory. This way you’re able to see all your items and make the purging process seamless. From there, create bins or piles for “toss” and “donate/sell”. This creates a fluid process for going through your inventory without making it feel overwhelming and provides a visual indicator of your progress. This is one of my favorite steps because you’re able to make space to see the items you love.
Declutter Your Space
Now it’s time to make some real progress! You’ll go through all your items and start the purging process. Ask yourself: Do I love it? Do I use it? Do I have duplicates? Would I buy it again? Why do I feel like I need to keep this? These questions will guide you to make decisions to keep items you love most.
Organize for YOUR lifestyle!
Over the years I’ve learned that most people get stuck here. Getting organized doesn’t have a right or wrong way. The key to being organized is a system that works best for you or your family so it’s easily maintained. One of the best systems is creating a designated flow that feels natural to you and your family. I love creating drop zones, for a particular item or category. For example, if your family is active and typically on the go, create a designated area for easily grabbing and storing after - i.e. car key, garage door opener, face mask, hand sanitizer, etc. Your household system is going to be specific to your items, so don’t get stuck on making it exactly like how we’ve listed it above.
Create Your Systems
After you’ve sorted and decluttered your inventory, it’s time to create a system. A system is creating designated areas for grabbing and storing your items. This keeps items from getting out of disarray and most importantly keeping everything organized! I love using bins, baskets, and drawer organizers specifically for creating systems. This step is crucial for adding function and form to your space. You can also add a flare of style through your containers, and add a pop of color or texture. When choosing a container, it’s essential to keep in mind the items you’re looking to store in them. For example, if you’re looking to make items visible you’ll want to use a clear container, or if you’re trying to hide items use a basket. Also, measure your space and access the amount of inventory, and chose your products around that!
Once you have your items in their new designated home, it’s time to make it official and add your label! This step trains you and your family to put items back in their designated areas. This step is key for keeping up your organization. It is not only functional but choosing a font that you enjoy as seeing makes it visually more enjoyable to put things away.
Get into the habit of keeping up with your systems. Take the extra time to put items back into the correct home and refresh the space regularly. One thing I love to do is choose a day a week to just make sure I tidy up, example on Sunday evenings I make sure to have all items put away so I can start my week fresh. Don’t forget to replenish items when needed and purge when you start to feel the space is getting out of order.