A Professional Organizer's Top Tips That You Might Not Know

If you're like me (even as a professional organizer), you're probably no stranger to the ongoing quest for a bit more space and a little less clutter. Whether you're navigating the labyrinth of a tiny house or wrangling a bustling, big family, space—or the lack thereof—can often seem like the bane of our existence. But fear not, for I come bearing the secret weapons of a professional organizer. We're going to slice through the clutter and bring out the best in your home.. After all, it's not always about how much space we have, but how we utilize it.

Include Kids In Your Organization Process

Let's start by introducing a little something I like to call "family organizing time." Yes, you read that right—get your kids involved in the organizing process. Not only does this lighten your load, but it also instills in them the values of tidiness and responsibility. Who knew organizing could be such a teachable moment? Some of my favorite memories from organizing are seeing how my clients create organization systems and games for their children!

Start Small

Remember, organizing is not a sprint; it's more of a leisurely stroll. Baby steps and starting small are key. Start with a joy drawer, a shelf, or a corner of a room. Gradually, the sense of accomplishment from these small victories will propel you to tackle bigger projects.

Write Everything In Your Calendar

Whether it’s digital or pen and paper, put everything on your calendar—from laundry day to the kids' soccer practice. This will help you visualize your schedule and find pockets of time you didn't even realize you had. I honestly consider this to be the best first step one can make on their organizing journey. 

Never Ever Procrastinate

You've probably heard the phrase "procrastination is the thief of time." Well, in the world of organizing, procrastination is the creator of clutter. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can declutter today. I honestly consider procrastination to be my number one nemesis when it comes to organization.

Hanger Switch Up

Now, let's take a detour to your closet. If you can make only one change to your closet, let it be your hangers. If your hangers are a mish-mash of wire, plastic, and wood, it's time for a change. Switching to one style of hanger will instantly elevate your closet. It's a simple change, but trust me, the visual impact is astounding.

Create Your Own Organization Rules & Stick With Them

The secret to staying organized is to make rules that you can maintain. If you haven't used it in a year, it goes. If it doesn't spark joy, say goodbye. Find a mantra that resonates with you and stick to it.

My 3 Step Process For Everything

When it comes to tackling your belongings, remember: sort, edit, then store. It's a simple, three-step dance. Sort your items, edit what you don't need, and then store. This simple process can be applied to any space in your home, from the kitchen to the garage.

Create A Purpose For Every Space 

Now, let's talk about giving purpose to the spaces in your home. Each room, each corner, should serve a specific function. The kitchen is for cooking, the bedroom for resting, the home office for working. When we assign purpose to our spaces, it becomes easier to decide what belongs and what doesn't.

Vertical Space is Essential

We often overlook one crucial aspect when it comes to organizing - vertical space. It's essential, especially in small homes or apartments. Think wall-mounted shelves, over-the-door storage, or tall, narrow bookcases. You'll be surprised at how much you can store without sacrificing your floor space!

Find A Charity You Feel About 

There is nothing quite as fulfilling as donating your items to someone that needs it. I suggest taking the time to find a few local places you are passionate about that you can donate to.

Memories Over Items

Finally, we come to the hardest part: memories. We often hold onto items because of the memories they carry. But remember, it's the memory that is precious, not the item. I know it can be hard to throw out the baby quilt or the childhood lunchbox, but I encourage you to take a photo or write down the memory. Again, it’s the memory not the item.

In the end, the goal of organizing is not to create a home that could be on the cover of a magazine (though that would be nice). The goal is to create a space that brings you joy, peace, and a little more time to enjoy the things that truly matter. Don’t miss our favorite projects this month over on our Instagram stories for all of the organizing BTS! Be sure to follow us on Pinterest, LTK, and Amazon to stay in the loop about all things Life in Jeneral :)




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