Common Mistakes When Organizing Closets

Do you remember our previous rendezvous, where we delved into the secrets of professional organizing? Well, hold onto your hangers, because today, we're diving headfirst into the realm of closet organization—or should I say, the common mistakes that trip us up on our journey to the perfect wardrobe.

Cramming Clothes

Let's begin with a familiar foe - cramming all of your clothes into the closet. If you're wrestling with your clothes to close your closet doors, or if your closet resembles a retail store on Black Friday, we've got a problem. This all-too-common habit only leads to creased clothing and an impossible-to-maintain wardrobe. It's a quick fix, but remember, quick fixes are often the enemies of long-lasting solutions. But don't despair! The solution lies in dividing and conquering. Consider storing clothing that isn't in season. Pack away those bulky winter coats during the summer months, and tuck away those breezy sundresses in the winter. This simple trick can free up a surprising amount of space. Another solution is restructuring your closet using organization products that work for you (more on this shortly).

Choosing The Wrong Organization Products

Our next pitfall in the realm of closet organization is using the wrong organization products. We've all been dazzled by that fancy new closet gadget that promises to be the miracle cure to our wardrobe woes. However, one size doesn't fit all when it comes to organizing. What works for one person's closet might not work for yours. The key here is to choose products that complement your specific closet’s needs. Are you a shoe aficionado with footwear spilling out of your closet? Invest in a sturdy shoe rack. Do you have a mountain of scarves with no place to go? Scarf hangers or organizers might be your saving grace. By tailoring your organization tools to your needs, you can maximize the efficiency of your space and make maintaining it a breeze.

Not Editing Your Closet Regularly

Another misstep that we often commit while organizing our closets, which may sound familiar, is failing to regularly edit our wardrobes. Our closets overflow, and we find ourselves faced with the daunting task of sorting through an ever-growing pile of clothes. Regularly editing your closet is similar to pruning a plant—it encourages healthy growth and maintains the shape you desire. It's an act of self-care and space care, ensuring your wardrobe remains a source of joy and not stress. Remember, out with the old, in with the new!

Never Ever Procrastinate

You've probably heard the phrase "procrastination is the thief of time." Well, in the world of organizing, procrastination is the creator of clutter. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can declutter today. I honestly consider procrastination to be my number one nemesis when it comes to organization.

Not Establishing A System

Lacking a system in your closet is like trying to navigate without a map. It leaves us with a messy pile of clothes and makes choosing an outfit more challenging than it needs to be. The fix? Establish a system that suits your preferences. Maybe you like to arrange your clothes by color, transforming your closet into a rainbow of options. Or perhaps you prefer sorting by the type of clothing or occasion. The important thing is to have a method to the madness—a system that transforms your closet from a disorganized jumble into an easy-to-navigate array of outfits.

Not Honoring Your Unique Needs

Finally, a mistake that many of us fall victim to, is ignoring our unique needs. It's easy to get swept away by the latest organization trends or to try and mimic the picture-perfect closets we see on home decor shows. But the truth is, an organizing system is only as good as its functionality for its user—you! Your closet should cater to your lifestyle, your routine, and your preferences. For instance, if you're a fitness enthusiast with an array of workout gear, you might need a specific system for storing your leggings, sports bras, and running shoes. If you're a business professional, your closet should accommodate your suits, ties, or blouses.

And there you have it! Though these common closet organizing missteps might have seemed insurmountable, they each come with a manageable solution. The beauty of organizing is the freedom to start afresh, to try new methods until you find the perfect fit. Here's to a closet that not only sparks joy but also exudes harmony and order. Don’t miss our favorite projects this month over on our Instagram stories for all of the organizing BTS! Be sure to follow us on Pinterest, LTK, and Amazon to stay in the loop about all things Life in Jeneral :)




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