I receive a myriad of questions about organization, the ins and outs of my business, and even sneak peeks into my personal life. Today, I'm answering some of the most asked questions. So let's get cozy and dive right in!

1. What's your golden nugget of advice for someone embarking on their organization journey?

Venturing into the world of organization may initially seem daunting, but here's my golden nugget: start small. It's not about organizing your entire house in a day—it's about taking the first step. Perhaps it's a drawer, a shelf, or a small room. Celebrate the victory of that organized space, and let that momentum carry you forward. Remember, organization isn't a sprint; it's a satisfying journey that unfolds one step at a time.

2. Which organization item could you not live without?

Hands down, it's the Brother P Touch Cube  (yes, it’s almost double the price of a typical label maker  but worth it). If you are looking for one slightly more affordable, I also love this one. There's a unique joy in labeling shelves, boxes, and folders—it makes everything easily identifiable and gives your space a touch of professionalism. This little gem truly elevates your organizing game. 

3. Can you share your feelings when Life In Jeneral was just a budding idea?

When Life In Jeneral was a seed of an idea, I felt a whirlwind of emotions—anticipation, excitement, a dash of nerves. Despite the unknown, my passion for organizing and the desire to help others achieve harmony in their spaces fuelled my journey. Don’t get me wrong, there are absolutely hurdles that inevitably arise, but being a part of this community and aiding others in transforming their homes is a privilege that truly fills me with so much warmth and gratitude.

4. Any advice for those struggling to part with belongings?

Indeed, letting go can be tough, particularly when items hold sentimental value. Here's my advice: flip the script. Instead of pondering what to part with, ask yourself what you genuinely need to hold on to. Retain items that truly serve you, spark joy, or carry irreplaceable memories. Remember, excess often weighs us down, and decluttering can be a liberating experience.

5. I feel so vulnerable/embarrassed bringing in an organization team. Any advice?

First off, know that feeling vulnerable is entirely normal. We all have areas in our lives that feel “messy” or out of control. Please understand that there is absolutely zero judgment from us. We're here to support you, to help you reclaim your space and your peace of mind. Think of us as allies on your journey to a more organized and harmonious life. Embarking on this journey can be challenging, and going at it alone can feel overwhelming. But let me tell you, when I see someone who initially had doubts or hesitations, and they take that leap of faith to work together, their most common sentiment is, "I wish I had done this sooner."

6. Any tips for someone who wants to start an organization business?

Starting any business comes with its challenges, but if your passion is in organizing, the rewards can be immense. When it comes to starting a business, my top tips revolve around understanding your motivations. Why do you want to embark on this entrepreneurial journey? This clarity will guide your decisions and help lay a strong foundation. Begin by organizing spaces for friends, family, and your own personal area. As momentum builds, you'll find yourself being compensated for doing what you love. To thrive in this industry, it's important to stay in tune with your clients' needs, stay updated on organizing trends and products, and most importantly, approach your work with empathy. Remember, you're not simply organizing physical spaces; you're transforming lives along the way.

7. Beyond the organizer, who are you, Jen?

Ah, allow me to introduce myself—the person behind the meticulously organized spaces! Describing my journey could take hours, but let's keep it concise with a quick elevator pitch about yours truly, Jen. My identity is deeply rooted in my faith, which shapes every aspect of my being. I'm a dreamer at heart, an unabashed Virgo, and I hold a profound love for people and fostering meaningful connections. As a bonus mom to some incredible kids and a proud dog mom to my adorable trio (meet Big Charlie, Little Charlie, and our newest addition, Whiskey), family and furry friends hold a special place in my heart (you’ve probably noticed me post about rescue pups who need homes). Advocating for animal rescue efforts is a cause dear to me, as is actively participating in my vibrant church community. Lately, I've delved into the world of wellness, establishing a routine that keeps me grounded and energized. And here's an exciting project on my plate—renovating my new home! It's an invigorating fusion of my passions: design, organization, and creating a tranquil space for my beloved family. Speaking of which, I can't wait to share my experiences and insider tips from the renovation journey (make sure to follow along for an inside peek)! 

Don’t miss our favorite projects this month over on our Instagram stories for all of the organizing BTS! Be sure to follow us on Pinterest, LTK, and Amazon to stay in the loop about all things Life in Jeneral :)




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