Jen's Self Care Guide

As someone who has turned organization into a professional calling, I've come to view it as so much more than just a neat arrangement of things. It's a practice, a discipline, and, perhaps most importantly, a form of self-care. Amidst the whirlwind of life's stresses and distractions, maintaining a sense of order can feel like a sanctuary—a restful pause that allows us to breathe, focus, and rejuvenate.

You've likely heard about the importance of a work-life balance. Still, actualizing it in our daily lives can sometimes feel as elusive as catching a butterfly. That's where the art of organization comes in. By mindfully integrating organizational habits into our routines, we can foster a sense of control, improve productivity, and cultivate mental and physical well-being. Today, I'd like to take you on a journey through my approach to self-care via the path of organization.

Create a Sacred Space:

Whether it's a corner of a room, a cozy nook, or an entire space dedicated to tranquility, create a sanctuary where calmness prevails. Let this be your go-to place for meditation, reading, journaling, or simply sitting in silence. It doesn’t matter the size or location, simply find a space that supports you being alone with yourself.

Schedule "Me-Time":

Just as you'd schedule a meeting or a workout session, make sure you set aside time for self-care. This could include a yoga session, a walk in the park, or even a luxurious bath. Protect this time fervently—it's an investment in yourself. I know it can be hard to not sacrifice this time, but I highly encourage you to put it in your calendar and stick with it.

Organize Your Living Space:

A clutter-free space leads to a clutter-free mind. Regularly decluttering and organizing your home not only keeps your surroundings tidy but also promotes a sense of calm and control. I always tell my friends and clients that organization isn’t just the perfect fold, it’s truly my favorite form of self care.

Eat Clean and Stay Hydrated:

Keeping your body nourished with healthy foods and plenty of water is a crucial aspect of self-care. Organize your meal plans and make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. I know this might come off as obvious, but I personally know that when I am not taking time to nourish (and hydrate) myself properly, I cannot function optimally.

Practice Mindful Purchasing:

Be mindful of what you bring into your home. Each item should serve a purpose or bring you joy. Impulse buying can lead to clutter and create a stressful environment. Only bring in what sparks you joy.

Get a Good Night's Sleep:

Ensure your bedroom is a serene and clean space. Good sleep is essential for your well-being, and a well-organized room can contribute significantly to this.

Digital Detox:

Designate specific times to disconnect from digital devices. Whether it's an hour before bed or a full day each week, this will help reduce stress and improve mental well-being. If you want more tips on a digital detox, read my recent Digital Declutter blog.

The beauty of self-care is that it doesn't have to be elaborate or time-consuming. Small, intentional actions, when practiced consistently, can have a profound impact on our well-being. And when self-care is intertwined with organization, it becomes a powerful tool to manage stress, improve productivity, and enhance our overall quality of life.

Remember, being kind to yourself isn't a luxury—it's a necessity. In the gentle rhythm of organization, you'll find a soothing melody of self-care. Here's to a healthier, happier, and more organized you. Be kind to yourself.

To send you off, here are a few of my essential self-care items:

Don’t miss our favorite projects this month over on our Instagram stories for all of the organizing BTS! Be sure to follow us on Pinterest, LTK, and Amazon to stay in the loop about all things Life in Jeneral :)




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